Friday Favorites

Yay. It's Friday! We are ready for the weekend!! Time for the Friday Favorite link up with Momfessionals! Go over, grab the button, and link up! I have a few favorites this week that I want to share! 


:: one ::

My iPhone 6 Plus!!! Pregnancy insomnia woke me up and I was one of the crazy people at 3am fighting the busy servers ordering one! My initial ship date was November (!!) then moved to the middle of October then moved to the beginning of October. So imagine my shock and excitement when Saturday night I received a shipping notice and that it would be here Monday!! So happy! And what does every new phone need? A case of course. Gotta love this one that I found! 

Yep. Star Wars! 😋

:: two ::

I love that I'm 31 weeks 2 days and that the weeks until this little girl is here is now down to a single digital countdown!! 9 weeks or sooner! Can't wait to meet her! 

:: three ::

This kid and her pigtails. She hates them for some reason but every once in awhile I'll beg her to let me do them. So so cute!

:: four ::

This scarf from Charming Charlie's. It goes with so many of my outfits and I love a good infinity scarf that doesn't feel like it's up around my chin! It's from a year or two ago so I doubt they have them anymore. 

:: five ::

 This fabric! My MIL can sew so she's making Callie Ann's bedding for me and I've mixed and matched this fabric for the bedding. So excited for it all to come together!! 

I think that's all for today!! Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. So jealous about the IPhone 6....I can't wait to get one as well :)

  2. Did you get one? I love mine! It's the perfect size to do everything on and not have to carry my iPad mini with me!

    Sorry it took me awhile to reply! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! I couldn't figure out how to reply and I JUST now got it all fixed so I could reply to comments! =)


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