Friday Favorites: My baby turns 8!

Today I'm linking up with Momfessionals for another Friday Favorites!

So today. My first born turns 8!! And she is most definitely my FAVORITE 8yo! 

The girl who made me a mommy. How can she already be 8?! Didn't I just have her? 

I love this little girl so much. She's sweet, and kind, and loving. She will do anything for her sisters, including giving up something she wants so they can have it if they are upset. She's full of hugs and kisses and love all the time. 

She has come SUCH a long way in the last 2 years. Having a kiddo with special needs is hard. As a mom, we tend to second guess every decision, and that is just intensified when you have a kiddo that needs special care. But when I look at her, I see a happy girl that is full of joy and love and I know I'm doing something right. 

She wasn't able to say the words "I love you" until she was 4 years old, and now she will just randomly say it across the house, in the car, or when she is snuggling in bed in the early mornings (she likes to wake up at 5:30am). Nothing makes me happier then to hear her talk to me. I'm finally getting to hear some of the things going on in her mind!

I love this little girl so very much and I can't wait to see what is in store for her! God is going to use her store to help change lives one day and this momma has a front row seat for it!

(Peppa Pig is HER favorite!)

Happy Birthday Addie Elizabeth! Mommy loves you more then you will ever know! 


  1. Happy birthday to your sweet girl :) Chelsea @


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