Love and Marriage: Keeping Things Interesting {Link Up}

There are a few things that we do to make sure we make time for each other. One thing I do is kinda what Shay @ Mix and Match Mama says she does, she puts herself together. Even if I am staying home all day to do laundry or something, I still get a shower, put on a little make-up, and get dressed. I know I feel better when actually fix my hair and fix myself up. Otherwise I feel bad about myself all day which transitions into my attitude and how I react to my husband or even my children.

Another thing we do is try to go out just the 2 of us once a month. I know some people try to do that type of stuff more often but right now once a month seem to work for us. It took me a very long time to get to a place where I am comfortable leaving my kids to go out on a date (I know, I'm crazy). Now we are actually leaving them over night with their grandparents. Its so much fun for them and we enjoy having a night to ourselves. Actually we enjoy sleeping all night without two little people waking us up at 2 in the morning. Ha!

We also do little things at the house. We will turn the tv off and just talk. Or we will eat dinner without the girls. My MOPS group had a craft where they gave us a jar and popsicle sticks. On the sticks we wrote little things that could make a "date" night around the house. Examples like "no electronics" or "dinner by candlelight" or "movie night and popcorn". Things that you could do around the house after the kiddos are in bed just to make things a little more interesting. You pick a stick once a week or once a month or whatever works for you. So its different things each time and you never know what is going to be on the stick to do that night! I thought it was a great little craft and something that sits on my bedroom dresser still!

I think the biggest thing is finding something that works for you and your spouse. These are things that work for us, but we are low-key people and like being home more then going out. Talk to your spouse and see what they want to do and make a game plan and have fun with it! =)


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