New haircut and other stuff

Oh. How I have a love hate relationship with my hair. I love the color and I love how thick it is BUT I also hate it. I mainly hate the cowlick that I have in the front. So trying to find a cut that doesn't drive me out of my mind after a week is hard to do. So I went today with a picture and my bangs are a little shorter then I wanted but they will grow (hopefully fast). So below is a before picture then an after picture with the picture I was trying to kinda copy! =)

This is the only picture I could find of my hair that was recent. Don't ya love my reading glasses from Target?! =)

Today! Like I said, I feel like the bangs need to be longer. Also, I don't think the front bang part is as thick as hers... Not sure how I feel yet but the good thing is that it will grow! =)

Now lets hope that I don't get tired of this as fast as I get tired of every other haircut. 


In other news, I'm really considering selling Stella & Dot. I absolutely love everything on their website and I don't think my area is too saturated with stylist yet. My only worry is that I won't do well with it. I'm not very good at pushing direct sales on people (I don't do well with Thirty One at all). So. We will see. Anyone on here sale it? How do you do? 


If you are in the Charleston, WV area don't forget about my free one hour photography session that I'm giving away on my Facebook page, Simply Country Photography! It still has a few more days left!


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