Sweet Summertime

It has been 2 months since I last blogged! Life and summer have just taken the place of sitting in front of the computer. Our summer is winding down. My oldest starts KINDERGARTEN (trying not to cry) in a week and my youngest is going to 3yo Pre-K this year. This Momma is going to miss them something fierce.

I figured I would do a blog post or two to catch everyone up on our summer and whats been going on. So most of it will be pictures from our summer! We have really had the best summer. Glen took off 2 weeks and we did a bunch of small little things with the girls. We had VBS! We saw 7 kid movies. We swam, a lot (we actually put in a pool!). And so much more! One thing I've loved about this summer is the ages the girls are at. They have played SO well together and going out by myself with the 2 of them was so easy this year!

The first thing we did while Glen was on vacation was go celebrate West Virginia's 150th Birthday with fireworks at our Capitol! The girls did sooo good. I was a little worried because Addie tends to wonder off but she stayed right on our blanket. My mom and dad meet us and we had front and center seats for the fireworks! The fireworks scared Addie to death at first, she practically crawled up me and I was sitting so that says something, but once Papaw covered her ears she loved them. 

We also decided to take the girls to Kings Island over Glen's 2 week vacation! We had such a fun time. It was just the 4 of us, we usually go with a group, and we enjoyed the day to ourselves so much. Addie was tall enough for some of the bigger rollercoasters and she loved them. She is her fathers child. Baylie was a little more timid with rides. She is her mothers child. =)

 Little Rollercoaster

 We saw Dinosaurs! Baylie was terrified!
These Dinosaurs actually moved and made sounds. It was really neat and Addie loved it but we couldn't get out of there fast enough for Baylie. She finally calmed down somewhat halfway through, and I paid 15 extra bucks to see them so we were seeing it all!

"Sissy. Don't let go of me. Me scared"

 They drew us pictures on the way!

My girls are obsessed with airplanes so they loved this!

Long day and we are ready to go home!

I think that's all I will include in this post! Coming up is Addie's 6th Birthday and July 4th! =)


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