
I've been away lately. School started back, MOPS started back, we have therapy twice a week and we've had a ridiculous amount of doctor appointments to go to. I feel like I've barely had time to breathe let alone sit down and type something out.

The biggest thing going on right now has been Addie. Guys, kindergarten is kicking our butt. Hard. We knew she was behind. The poor kid lost 3-4 years due to not being able to hear and her depth perception/eye sight being messed up, so she lost a lot of those developmental years, so we knew it was going to be hard. But how hard, we had no idea. We are struggling with handwriting and sounds. She can do the sight words great (she just memorizes them) and we finally have her counting to 10 consistently (she use to skip 4 & 9) so she is making progress but shes also struggling. The handwriting has been the hardest. She can trace almost anything we ask her to trace, but to get her to freehand something, its just not happening. We are so thankful for an IEP team that is working with her and have been so wonderful, we really couldn't ask for a better school to be in.

I think, for me, the hardest thing has been watching Glen's heartbreak for her. Anyone that knows us knows that he is very logical, not much gets to him, and he doesn't let things worry or bother him. Me on the other hand, I'm the emotional basket-case, and my feelings guide me more then logic. So watching him not be the logical one, and just be a daddy who is struggling watching his little girl struggle has been hard for me. So. Hard.

Addie goes to the resource classroom for 2 hours each day. That teacher mentioned to us that she is concerned that Addie is having petit mal seizures. Because of everything that she has been through, and for fear of missing something, I'm the momma that will take her to get checked for something if someone sees a real need for it. This conversation about the seizures caught us completely off guard. So we are in the process of getting it all checked out. We will be going for an EEG on Thursday and we could really use the prayers. She has to go tired so we are probably going to wake her up at 3am so she will be sleepy by 8:30am. This kid has been through so much and I hate the thought of adding just one more thing to the list of things she has that is causing her to struggle. I also know that catching all of it can HELP her. Its just hard for this momma heart.

So prayers are appreciated. Prayers that she doesn't completely lose it (she really hates doctors and REALLY hates people touching her head). Prayers that they don't find any seizures. Prayers that everything goes smoothly and we actually get an accurate test. And prayers for this Mommy

This is my favorite song right now. Even turned it into a ringtone for my iPhone:

Be still, there is a healer
His love is deeper then the sea
His mercy, is unfailing
His arms, a fortress for the weak

Let faith arise
Let faith arise

I lift my hands to believe again
You are my refuge, You are my strength
As I pour out my heart these things I remember
You are faithful, God, forever


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