Friday Favorites {Link Up}


I am linking up with Momfessionals for Favorite Fridays. I thought this was a neat idea and decided to share.

We recently went to the beach. It was a good 8 hour car ride and with a 7 and 4 year old I decided we needed to have fun, new activities for them to work on. A DVD player can only go so far, and momma can only stand hearing it for so long.

My mom's cousin gives the girls a "junk box" for Christmas every year. She actually did this for me and my sisters growing up and it was always one of our favorite presents to receive. What she puts in the box is anything but junk. It's books and workbooks and just little unique things that she collects all year long. This year she put in this awesome sticker books by Melissa and Doug

The face one isn't reusable, but the scenes ones are. They can play with them over and over again. You can actually find them on Amazon for about $7 or at Target. The girls loved working on them and I loved that they get more then one use out of them. The Make a Face one has quite a few pages and even though you can't reuse them the girls still loved creating their own people and picking out the eyes, mouth, and accessories.

If you missed my last post, go check it out! It's definitely one of my favorite things right now, the girls new room!!! We had to consolidate them from 2 bedrooms to 1 since their baby sister will be here in November!!! I just love how their room turned out. Now to figure out what I want to do for the nursery!


  1. We have some of those reusable sticker pads and love them as well!
    Thanks so much for linking up! :) Andrea

  2. We love those sticker books too!!! So much fun. Although now instead of arranging them in the book my kids put them in our front windows lol ...


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