My Chaos Maker
We have had a busy week/weekend and it did not go according to plan! VBS and Camp Meeting started last Wednesday at church, I got sick last Tuesday. On Friday I was feeling SO bad and Braxton Hicks were so severe I decided to call my ob/gyn. Everything was thankfully okay with Miss Callie Ann and momma just needed an antibiotic, more water, and a little rest!
I finally made it to church Sunday and I am so glad I did! Chip Brim was an amazing preacher and I'm glad I didn't miss all of Camp Meeting! He's messages hit close to my heart!
After church Sunday night we had an ice cream social. Everyone is enjoying their ice cream and my sweet sweet girl is dancing in the field!
I love her sweet spirit and her innocent personality! This kid, God has big plans for her!
Baylie started getting sick that night and she has been running a pretty high fever since. She wasn't complaining about anything besides her belly and neck then tonight she started complaining about her throat hurting. I'm praying she wakes up in the morning feeling better because if not it looks like we will be heading to the pedi to be on the safe side.
With her being sick the last few days, my house has been ridiculously calm and quiet. I kept going to check on both girls if I was in the other room because I had no idea what to do with such a quiet house. I told her today that she is my Chaos Maker.
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