Show and Tell Tuesday: Share Your Love Story

I wasn't going to link up with Andrea at Momfessionals BUT I decided that I would since this is literally the week 12 years ago that started it all for Glen and I!!

Glen and I meet in college at WVU our sophomore year! We had mutual friends through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and finally meet at the Super Bowl Party for IV that year. We started chatting on the computer, you know, IM was all the rage back them. ;-)

 (We were babies! I wish I could find some of our very first pictures (this was 2005), I think they are all actually photos, not digital, and they are packed up right now.)

The weekend of Presidents Day (and Valentine's Day) WVU got a MASSIVE snow, 24 inches! I was the only one of our friends with 4-wheel drive so here I went in 2 ft of snow to go pick up and drop off all of our friends so we could hang out. We had 2 days off school, what else would we do?! Surely not stay safe inside! So Glen and I hung out a lot during that time, and on his birthday (which was one of the days that school was closed) we all went out to eat then hung out at a friends house for awhile. This was the first night he held my hand. =D It took him a whole month after that too officially ask me to be his girlfriend and even to kiss me for the first time. So on March 23, 2003 we started dating officially!

We went through a few ups and downs for the next year a half. We actually broke up for a couple months for crazy reasons that hold no merit now. On September 23, 2004 we got engaged, exactly a year and a half after we started dating! We were still in school so we opted to wait until we graduated before we got married.

We both graduated from WVU in December 2005. Then on February 4, 2006, we got married. It was Super Bowl Weekend! I love how our story comes full circle, getting married the same weekend that really started it all!


Now 3 moves, a house renovation, 3 jobs, and 3 kids later, we've been married 9 years! And I love him more and more each day!


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