A Day in the Life

These are probably one of my favorite types of post to read so I thought I would start out 2016 with one myself! I decided to pick the busiest day of our week just for the fun of it!

6:00am - Alarm goes off and I have to get 3 girls dressed, feed, and out the door by myself. I also have to get myself completely ready so that I can go down the road as soon as I drop them off.

7:40am - Drop the girls off at school.

8:00am - Wait for the post office to open. I had sold something through eBay and the shipping confirmation was crazy so I needed to go talk to the post lady. And also to mail another package.

9:00am - Breakfast at Bob Evans with 2 of my best friends! It was so nice to take an hour and enjoy conversation with these ladies. God knew I needed these ladies and they entered my life at the perfect time. I am so very thankful for their friendship.

10:30am - I decided to head to Target super fast (our nearest Target is 25 mins away from my house) to return a few things. Little Miss fell asleep in the car on the way there. Of course!

12:15pm - Left Target to head home.

12:45pm - Home to get this Squirt a nap before sissy's get off the bus!

 I picked up the cutest shoes while at Target. I needed something to wear with jeans that wasn't boots and I am so not a dressy (or even a heel or wedge) girl. These were perfect! I like that I can wear the fur out or tucked into my jeans.

2:30pm - Picked up the big girls off the bus. (Everyday I ask both girls how their day went. Baylie gives me details. But because of the language delay with Addie, I don't get much. Today she said "Mommy, [little girls name] is staying the night at her grandma's house". Y'all, I had tears! Thats a long sentence for her for one. And for two, I got to HEAR something FROM her about her day! It doesn't happen very much but I cherish it when it does.) Let them run into the house and change clothes and potty then headed down the road. First stop, getting gas!

3:30pm - Addie has OT from 3:30-4:30. It's a looooooong hour or sitting in the car with 2 kids but we make it work. Thank God for DVD players, iPads, snacks and color books. Her therapist is super sweet and brings her out the car when they are done so I don't have to unload, load, unload and load. We love Mrs Katie. And I have to say how stinking proud I am of Addie. She hasn't had OT in a month due to Christmas break and then being sick last week and her handwriting has changed DRAMATICALLY!! God is doing a GREAT work in her!

5:00pm - Got home and thankfully Glen was able to get there before us today so he was already heating up leftovers. Wednesday night is leftover night because otherwise we would be in for a world of hurt. We have church at 7 and it is full steam ahead, eat, baths, new clothes, out the door! Addie decided to wait for me instead of going early with her daddy so she sat in my bathroom floor playing an old iPod while I got dressed.

7:00pm - Church. I love our church! This wasn't the message last night but I love this picture and its our word for the year!

9:15pm - Home (we stood around and talked) to get the girls in bed and a shower for me.

10:19pm - This is when I actually sat down for the first time today. So. Our Wednesday's are always jam packed and then I take Thursday's to stay home, catch up on laundry and just relax.

Thanks for stopping by! Come back tomorrow for Friday Favorites and look at the link-ups! They are always so much fun! And you can find me on Instagram @mandirenee!


  1. oh my gosh! That is such a busy day. Part of me is looking forward to when my boys are in school all day...and the other part of me is realizing it will just be a different type of crazy/busy when that time comes! Loved the post!



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