Link Up: Lets Talk Guys
Today I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for the "Let's Talk" series.

I thought this was perfect to end the month since February is a month filled with so many memories for us.
Glen and I meet at WVU our sophomore year of college, 13 years ago. We actually meet at a Superbowl party for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. The weekend of Valentine's Day a few weeks after the Superbowl was when we started "talking". (I wonder if its still called that these days. lol) Then his birthday is the 18th and that's the first day he held my hand. There was 2ft of snow and the University was shut down for 2 days. Of course, all us college kids got together and went sleigh riding and hung out. Snow + falling in love with the boy that stole my heart = one of the best times of my life. Three years later on February 4, 2006 we got married, it was Superbowl weekend! I love how it all connects.
Glen is really the best husband and daddy we could ever ask for. He goes above and beyond for us. I am so thankful for him and the man he is and the way he leads our family.
Here are a few quick things about him:
1: He has worked with NASA for the last 7 years. Which I find pretty awesome. Don't ask me exactly what he does, because I have no idea. He's pretty smart, that guy. ;-)
2: He loves having girls. When I was pregnant for the 3rd time, he would have been happy with a boy or a girl, but he always said "its going to be another daddy's girl". The way he loves our girls makes me love him even more.
3: He says he eats vegetables. His "vegetables" are lettuce, potatoes and tomato's if they are in spaghetti sauce or manwich mix. Seriously can't get the boy to eat better. And its no wonder our girls are so picky too.
4: He has been driving an hour and 20 mins one way to work for 7 years. He didn't want to move us out of West Virginia into Ohio, so we stayed here, and he drives. He usually wakes up before his alarm goes off at 5am and he is able to just jump up and go. Addie is just like him.
5: He loves to golf but won't take the time for himself because he would rather spend the time with the girls on the weekend. He says its hard to go do something for himself when his girls say "yay, daddy will be home tomorrow to play with us." If he's home, he is doing something with them. Yesterday he played outside on the trampoline with them for hours. He is also teaching Baylie to ride her bike without training wheels.
6: He's really like a big kid himself. He's loud, he loves to sing, he doesn't know how to sit still, and he is constantly finding something to do if he is home. We all call him the energizer bunny. He doesn't drink caffeine and he is never tired. Really wish I had his energy level.
Thanks for stopping by!
Awww, there's nothing better than a family man :) And #6 sounds like my hubby, too!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet post :) When you marry someone, you never actually know what kind of daddy they will end up being. It's so magical watching them in their "daddy role". One day...his golf game will pick back up ;)