Friday Favorites: Catching Up Edition

First off. I love this picture of me and my girls. This is the day before I went into the hospital. I had a partial hysterectomy done 3 weeks ago and I had to stay overnight in the hospital so I was getting all the snuggles I could before I left. =)
Pain meds, liquid diet, and streaming Netflix. Gotta love a night in the hospital! ;-)
Back home where I belong!
I had some friends and church family bring me food for a week after my surgery and one of them brought me these pretty flowers! I was going to tell people no, I didn't need help, I was fine but everyone insisted, and in the end I was SO SO thankful for those meals. I have such a hard time accepting help sometimes.
A week after my surgery our church had our yearly marriage retreat. We had already paid for the retreat and my surgery wasn't really something on our radar when we had paid, so it was miss the retreat and loss a bunch of money, or go on the retreat, take it super easy, and be kid free for 3 days. We took the later option. I took it VERY easy, had my feet up during the sessions, and took a nap every day. lol We LOVE the marriage retreat and didn't want to miss it. My MIL was already going to keep our girls that weekend so it all worked out great! =)
Two of my best and favorite girl friends, Denisha and Megan. Love them!
A bunch of us girls went and saw Miracles from Heaven. Can I just say it was SO good. I cried through the entire thing. It touched me so much. Its a must see and one of my favorite movies so far this year.
Holding this Squirts hand is a favorite. Oh how I love her. I'm not suppose to be picking her up too much so she's learning to walk when we have to go down the road. I feel like she's too little to be walking but that's where we are right now.
This past weekend was a fun filled weekend with family for Easter. We are so blessed with a wonderful family. The girls hunted Easter eggs at Glen's parents house on Saturday and Sunday we went to see my family. I didn't take too many pictures but here is what I have. We went to church Sunday morning and I had us all color coordinating. Color coordinating is my favorite.
This week is the girls Spring Break and I was so looking forward to it! Spring Break is our favorite. We had NO plans which I was really looking forward to. Monday came and I had a sick little girl on my hands. I took her to the doctor Wednesday after almost 2 days of a high fever and a sore throat. The verdict was strep, which didn't surprise me. As of Thursday she was feeling much better and is back to her crazy, happy, hyper, loud, loving self.
So, that's my favorites for the last few weeks and also what we've been up to! Thanks for stopping by and checking in! Take a second to follow me on my favorite form of social media, Instagram, @mandirenee. Make sure to check out the other link-ups today!
great post today! so glad i found you through the link up and i can't wait to read more! hope you'll stop by mine as well! happy friday friend!