Show and Tell Tuesday: A Day in the Life
Today I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for Show and Tell Tuesday. I actually forgot about this link up until this morning so I decided I would just do today!!
My alarm went off at 6am but it doesn't matter anymore since Glen is home with us in the mornings. He gets us all up just because he is up moving. I got ready and headed to drop Baylie off at school by 7:30am and then to get Addie to the pedi by 8:15am.
Addie has developed a weird wink/blink recently and I wanted to get it looked at. Apparently it's a tic that can be brought on by stress or feeling more demands at school. Or kids can just develop them. Not a big deal at all and it's actually something I'm going to come back to at a later date so stay tuned!
I dropped Addie back off at school and Callie and I headed home. I let her play for a bit until it was nap time.
Her smile melts me!!
I had lunch around 11:30. I'm not a big breakfast person (as in, I NEVER eat breakfast) so I'm always hungry early. I fixed myself "walking tacos", just on a plate.
I wish I had some guacamole.
Glen came home for lunch around 12:15pm. I just LOVE that he is so close that I can see him at lunch time!!
After he left I sat and finished laundry and worked on my schedule for the week.
I really dislike laundry. No matter what I do, I feel like I'm drowning in laundry!
Busy week as usually!
Callie woke up just a few minutes before it was time to get sissy's off the bus so she ate her peanut butter sandwich in the car while we waited. Then we were off to pick up pizza for dinner later. (I wanted to go while we were all in the car and just warm it up when it was dinner time).
The girls played outside with their bff's until about 5:15pm and I did a few things inside and shopped for a new bathing suit. I bought this, we will see if I like it when it comes in.
I actually really liked his one too but a friend told me it might give me a funny tan line.
We did dinner and baths. Homework and reading. And packed lunches for the next day. And then it was off to bed. Callie goes to sleep at 7pm and the big girls are in bed by 8pm.
I realized around 7pm that Addie had locked herself out of her iPad. So I've been resetting her iPad and fixing all that.
Now it's almost bedtime. It's only 9:30 but I'm tired and everyone is asleep. Tomorrow is our busiest day of the week and this momma needs her rest!
Thanks for stopping by. I always love these day in the life post and can't wait to check out everyone else's!
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