Summer Bucket List 2016
So today we did something we've never done before, we created a Summer Bucket List. The girls were really excited about the idea and one day when we are bored or don't have a lot going on that week, we can look to this and find something to do!
Here's our list:
Fishing with her Daddy is TOP on Baylie's to do list. I say Callie, Addie and I will sit that one out. But we put it on there anyways.
They are dying to have their best friends stay the night so we definitely need to get that done this summer.
Fly kites was a surprising one to me but they got kites at their end of year celebrations and they are itching to get them in the air!
Our local library does a Summer Reading Program with prizes for those that read the most books and such. Baylie was all about it!
Baylie also decided that a Family Day with just the 5 of us was in order (we do this anyways a lot but she wanted it on the list).
We also have plans to take them to Great Wolf Lodge and The Ark Encounter in July so we went ahead and put those on there too!
I think our first list turned out great. Of course, lots of swimming in out own pool and playing outside will be done so we didn't add those!
Let Summer Break 2016 begin!!!

To keep up with us this summer, follow me on Instagram, @mandirenee
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