What's in my Bag: Link-Up

Some of my favorite YouTube videos and blog post are the "Whats in my Bag" post. I love seeing what everyone else is toting around! Today I'm linking up with Momfessionals for a "Whats in my Bag" post! Check out the link-up and join in!

I am currently using my Stella&Dot How Does She Do It bag. Now this bag has a story. The girl I signed up under for Stella&Dot gave me this bag for free. Eventually, like I do with all bags, I sold it after not carrying it for months. Awhile later I missed it, so I found it and bought it off eBay. When I got it again I had other bags and didn't end up carrying it. So I sold it for the 2nd time. Then here recently I realized that Stella&Dot had discontinued this print and its really hard to find. They go for over $100 on eBay right now. I found this one brand new off of a Facebook selling group page for like $45. I REALLY like this bag. I will not be selling it again. =P

I am a "little bags inside of a big bag" type of girl. I can't stand for things to be floating around everywhere.

Everything that was in my bag at the time I took the pictures.

Love, love, love my Erin Condren LifePlanner and notebook. This little notebook is nice for all my meetings I have for PTO and MOPS. I love it!

My "weekly spread" for the current week. So busy, but tomorrow is summer break and I'm ready!

This little zipper pouch is Stella&Dot as well. It holds my gum, suckers for the girls, little quick snacks if I need something small and we are out running errands, a notebook, a sticky notes packet and a blank card incase I'm somewhere and need a card for something real fast.

This is my Star Wars zipper pouch and where I keep my extra make-up, contacts, iron, lip gloss and reading glasses. I love this pouch!

This little pouch is from Michael's and it holds my summer essentials for the girls.  I don't carry this around all year (I'll add the things I need into one of the other pouches) but I tend to need sunblock and wetones and shout wipes more when I have all 3 girls with me so it all has its own pouch!

I have my Kindle which is apparently dead. Shows how much I've used it recently. I'm hoping to get to read more while the girls are on break and we are home more!

I also have our agenda from PTO and MOPS Steering Team from the week. I ended up having meetings for both on Monday. I am co-secretary for PTO and I've stepped up to be co-coordinator for MOPS next year.  It's going to be a fun and busy year!

And that's it. I have a backpack for Callie that I keep her stuff in. I've found that easier then keeping her stuff with me all the time since I have to drop her off to MOPS or church nursery a good bit. If we are running into a store I usually grab a diaper, a pack of wipes, a snack and maybe an old ipod and throw it in my bag to keep her entertained while going through the store. I think I really need to order a big zipper pouch off of Pottery Barn Kids so I can have a little zipper pouch in my bag for her too.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed day! I will be heading to my sweet Baylie's kindergarten graduation this afternoon. I can't believe shes going into first grade!


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