
Yesterday we took our little girl for her EEG. To say it was the. worst. appointment of all. time. would probably be an understatement. In the last 5 years she has been put to sleep 6 times, so to go to the hospital gives her major anxiety anyways. On top of that, she HATES having her head touched. To brush her hair and teeth in the morning is always stressful so I had a pretty good idea that this was going to be bad, I just don't think I realized how bad.

The poor kid could only have 4 hours of sleep the night before since they really wanted her to be tired  (and go to sleep) for the EEG.

Here she is eating a cookie, at 9pm at night. She also had strawberry milk and Starburst.  Anything to keep her up until 11!!

She started to fade on her momma (daddy had already went to bed since he was getting up with her at 3am).

So we got out a book and read! She actually "read" to me. It was super cute, she acted like she was a teacher and was showing the "class" the pictures.

At 11pm I asked her if she wanted to go to bed and she told me "no way". Too bad kiddo! This momma needs some sleep.

Baylie stayed with my mother in law the night before so we had no stops, just down the road we went! When we got their a very sweet couple from our church was there waiting on us, they sat with us in the waiting room until it was time to go back! Super, super sweet!

I don't think I realized how much they were going to have to do to put those wires on her head. I say there was around 15 wires, which means they had to measure and mark her head at 15 different points so they knew where the wires needed to be place. This was when the meltdown began. She cried and screamed the entire time. A second technician heard her and came in to help the other tech. They were both so sweet and kept apologizing, to which Glen and I were both like "Please don't apologize. We knew it was going to be bad. Its really okay, it has to get done." Inside I just wanted to scope her up in my arms and leave but knew that wasn't an option.

They wanted her to sleep but that just wasn't going to happen after all the crying and screaming. So the test ran for about an hour with her head wrapped up like this. At one point the wires came loose and they had to be adjusted that just did not go over well but for the most part she spent her time like this: 

She's normally a mommy's girl but yesterday she was all about her daddy! 

The doctor called us today and said that she was having seizures. The spikes registered on both sides of her brain. So now they are scheduling and MRI and then we will go from there with what we are doing next/any medicine we are putting her on. 

It was so rough hearing the news. We've had her at so many different doctors for so many different things. She sees so many specialist as it is, and I guess this is just another one we are going to add to the list right now. Even though the news is hard to hear, I am hopeful that this will give us answers to WHY she is having the speech and learning delays.

I am having a really hard time with all this. And I know Glen is too. God is the ultimate healer. He is in control. So I'm trying to step away from google and just wait and see what is said after the MRI. I was reading a blog ( earlier and these words at the end of her post hit me between the eyes and in the heart and it's what I'm going to leave this post with:

"All I know is that where my daughter is small... My God is big."


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