Squirt Turns 1

::This was suppose to go up on Monday but sick kiddos and now a sick Momma has left my week not as I had planned. Yay for finally publishing this though (when it was wrote Sunday night =P)::

Last Saturday our Callie turned 1!! How in the world did the last year go so fast?! Time needs to slow down just a little.

I decided to do a Star Wars party. Mainly because she could care less and when am I ever going to get to plan one again? I'm trying to brain wash her early. 😉

Here are a few pictures from the day!

We made this out of 6 poster boards and Christmas lights. I had the shirts made at a local sporting goods store that does custom shirts! 

My mil made her cake! 

 I've had these toy figures for years. So they added the perfect touch. 

The night before Glen and I sat and made Storm Trooper balloons! He loves me. 

We had such a good day celebrating her. I can't believe my baby is 1! We love you squirt! You've completed our family and we couldn't imagine life without you! 


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