Friday Favorites: Snow Edition!
Yay for Friday! It has been a wild week and I'm glad to see the weekend. I'm sharing my favorites via linking up with Momfessionals today. After the week I had, a little bit of favorites sounds like a good idea!

I love, love, love this picture of my girls I took yesterday. We got pounded with 10 inches of snow and all this photographer could think was how much I wanted a picture of my girls in it! We were super fast, and I'm so lucky I even got this one. Pictures with 3 kids is HARD!
Look at that pretty snow!
It's Dr Suess week and Baylie's PreK did Wacky Wednesday. I say we nailed it!
These baby cheeks. Oh my! They are definitely a favorite!
How much these girls love their daddy is a favorite. Also, the baby's tongue sticking out just kills me!
We went to Disney on Ice a few weeks ago and the girls had a blast! They were super excited and I'm glad we got to tog. The only reason we got to go was because our school was canceled. For. A. Week! We had a snow storm, then ridiculous cold temps. Think -21*. Yes. Cold! We bundled up all nice and warm and headed out on Friday. A week in the house would make anyone lose their minds.
Definitely not as much as this time, but it took until this week to melt. And now we have 10inches. Talk about living in a winter wonderland.
My LEAST favorite thing is the stomach virus. We got hit with it last Saturday. 3 out of 5 got it. I am so so thankful the baby didn't get it. That would have been a nightmare! Somehow Addie, the kid that catches everything, didn't get it either. I'm so over sickness!
Has anyone dl'd the YouTube for Kids app?! The girls LOVE it. And I don't have to worry about them watching something they shouldn't.
Okay. That's all I've got this week! Thanks for stopping by! Stay warm!
Stopping by from the linkup. Your girls are so cute, and I love the first picture!!! Enjoy your weekend!