Friday Favorites
Hey y'all. I know it's been awhile and I'll be back soon to explain where I've been but today is Friday and I wanted to do my Friday Favorites today!
I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals so make sure to stop on by!
First up is this sweet site. We don't rock our kiddos, we've always just laid them down and all 3 of my girls slept through the night (like 10-12 hours) at 2 months and I attribute that to not having to be rocked, but the times that she does fall asleep in my arms are so precious. I love that face.
Next up is Snapchat. I'm late to the game but I love it! Add me!!
My girls want to be Jedi's. My work here is done.
Glen and I had a much needed date night Friday and we saw the new Independence Day movie. The original is my favorite. This one was okay. Not awful but not great. Entertaining. Poor Glen. One of us isn't as excited as the other.
I love when they play together and don't fight. And apparently the water hose was more of a favorite then their pool on this day.
This little cutie keeps getting her leg stuck. That's not my favorite but those sweet baby feet and morning hair are my favorites.
Sweet summer time and pool days are our favorite. Oh and matching bathing suits.
My new Fossil bag and traveled notebook are my favorite. My house smelled like leather today when I opened both of these packages.
That's all for today! Thanks for stopping by y'all. I promise to be back soon with an update but until then follow me on my favorite form of social media, Instagram, to keep up with us, @mandirenee. Or follow me on Snapchat, I really love it too!
What a cute bag!! Gotta love the smell of leather! ;)