What's Up Wednesday!! {Link Up}

I have MAJORLY lacked in blogging recently. So, so much has happened the last few months so I'm hoping this will help jump start me back! I'm linking up with some great bloggers (Larson Lingo, Mix and Match Family and Pinterest Told Me To) for What's Up Wednesday! =)

What I'm eating this week:
Okay, so every week we do a menu and go from there. This week we've had fish on the grill, taco stuffed shells and hamburgers. We normally make enough one night to have leftovers the next night, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday. Addie has therapy directly after school on Wednesdays and then we have church at 7 so its a crazy busy day!
What I'm reminiscing about:
First I'm thinking about how fast the last 6 months has went by! How can this have been just a few months ago?! Time flies way too fast!
I'm also thinking about Addie's surgery she had last month. Monday morning is our follow up appointment. There is a 20% chance that the surgery didn't work and she would have to have it done all over again. We are praying that the hole is healed and closed up and that we have no more surgeries! Having to have her put to sleep 9x in 6 years is just not fun!
What I'm loving:
I love, love, love to read but have been having a hard time finding the time to sit down. This has been nice since I can listen while I'm driving, or stick my headphones in and listen while I'm working around the house!
What we've been up to:
This girl is learning to sit up on her own!
She knows i love her because I "fix her food and change her channel" lol
We are starting early with this one. I need atleast one to love Star Wars as much as me!
Dance parties in the kitchen!
I bought myself this amazing new purse!
We celebrated me and my twin sister turning 32 on April 4!
Our Easter family picture! I can't believe that it turned out this good!
This pretty babies Easter dress!
And, with a broken heart, we buried my Papaw this month. He passed away on Easter Sunday, one day after my birthday. I miss him so so very much.
What I'm dreading:
I can't think of anything I'm dreading right now!
What I'm working on:
I am working on editing pictures! My maternity/winter break is over and pictures are starting back again! I'm so excited to get back out and start sessions again!
What I'm excited about:
Addie's class is going to the Newport Aquarium in May and then we are staying overnight and going to a Cincinnati Reds game and might take the girls to the zoo!
What I'm watching/reading:
I just finished listening to this book and really enjoyed it! I'm getting ready to dl book two. Lets see if I can actually finish a book when its not one I'm listening to!
What I'm listening to:
I just finished my last book on tape so I'm not really listening to anything right now!
What I'm wearing:
I finally broke down and ordered this sweater from Hippie Chick Boutique! I love it!
I also ordered two of her dresses/tunics and this is the first one I wore! Super cute and can wear in summer or winter! And perfect for church!
What I'm doing this weekend:
We have NO PLANS this weekend and I'm sorta excited about that. Friday I have pictures and MNO with my MOPS group. But Saturday and Sunday are free right now. I might be adding a session on Saturday but its only an hour so its won't really take up too much time!
What I'm looking forward to next month:
I am looking forward to the aquarium and Reds game next month! I'm also looking forward to my last few MOPS meetings, Mother's Day, Memorial Day, our Parents Conference at our church and THE AVENGERS movie!!
What else is new:
It's been a busy few months and I'm looking forward to summer break coming up in June!
Also! Yesterday Addie's speech therapist sent me this video and I just cried! Sometimes its hard for kiddos with special needs to grasp the concept of time on a clock that isn't digital but she's getting it! So proud!
Thanks for stopping by. I'm going to get back into blogging hopefully! I've really missed it and we've seen so much improvements with Addie that I would like to share! =)
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